Monday, February 9, 2009

Family Pictures Through the Ages

I am thinking this was taken in about 1986. One of my children will have to correct me. Another fund-raiser at the church.
This was taken at Dillards. Who even remembers that Dillards had a photo studio? I am thinking Dillards was called Diamonds back whenever.
This was taken in Sept. 1980. I laughed because Jill is now wearing what Amy wears in the next picture. Gotta love those hand-me-downs.
This was taken a few months before Emily was born. (March 1980) Again, another fund-raiser at the church.
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  1. That 1986 picture is LIVING proof that the 80s were NASTY. :o) Ick on the hair!!!!!! I am glad you are getting these online Mom. That way we can all have copies. Great work! 123!

  2. I do love to look at these pictures and see how we all have changed over the years. I do see when I was going through that phase where I didn't show my teeth when I smiled! That is a great picture
