Sunday, June 28, 2009

For Miss Natalie

This post is for Miss Natalie. Miss Natalie is sooooooooooo nice and so very thoughtful. I won a gift card from her blog and I am sure I never said Thank You. I decided to let her know what I used the gift card for. I found two dresses I liked and I couldn't decide between the two of them and so I bought them both!! I wanted to look young and thin in the picture, but that didn't happen. I wore my new dress today and I got several compliments on it, so Thank You Miss Natalie. I love you.
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  1. Just wanted to let you know that you look very nice in your new dress.

  2. Looks good mom. I can see why you bought both!

  3. You do look really good mom!

  4. YAAAAY!!! I LOVE YOU TOO!!! I was JUST thinking the other day that it might be time to harrass you about how you spend your "blog candy"!!! :) I'M SO EXCITED!!! You look FABULOUS!!! I LOVE IT!!!! :D
