Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What no Pictures

I am not sure I can blog without having a picture to blog about. Amy actually mentioned I had not blogged anything for awhile. I do have something in mind to blog about, but I can't find a picture to go with it. How can you have a friend for for almost 33 years and not have a picture of them????????????? I found that quite odd. I have pictures of her children, but not her. I will still spend some time searching. I have decided that scanning pictures is SOOOO VERRRRY SLOOOOOW and SO BORING. My father-in-law always told me to write on the back of the picture so we would always know who was in the picture and when it was taken. Well, I have discovered that he didn't listen to his own advice. Now that he has passed away, it is hard to ask him.
Poor Mr. Daniel has pneumonia and bronchitis. He said he is feeling some better, but of course he won't stay down or home for that matter. We are looking forward to being in Michigan for Miss Savannah's baptism. We will enjoy the cooler weather while we are there. We will get to see 7 of our grandchildren, but they will be playing with cousins.
My house stinks!!!!!!!!!!!! I tried to burn up a bag of popcorn in the microwave or maybe the bag tried to commit suicide. It was only in there about a minute when the smoke began to pour out of the microwave. I am lucky it didn't burst into flames. So that was my excitement!
Miss Emily has gone to Sacramento for job training and will try and see my sister and some of her cousins. I am going back to scanning pictures so I will have something interesting to say on my next post. :)


  1. Tell Dan we all hope he is feeling better:)
    Blogging without pictures is harder than with pictures, but I have a tendency to be very "wordy" in my attempts to actually express myself.

  2. Hi Terry. I found you on Grandma Carla's blog. It has been wonderful to check out the blogs and see what everyone is up to. Sandy N PS Hope Dan is much better soon.

  3. Look at you with your cute blog!!! I love it! I'm so glad you post the goings on of everyone in your family!!! I love it! Hope Dan is better soon! :(

    And I have a little news for you! ;) Check this out: http://nataliematkin.blogspot.com/2009/03/blog-candy-winner.html
