Monday, April 26, 2010

Wanted to see...

It is true.............I wanted to see if I still knew how to blog. It took me 2 tries just to sign in, so that is telling me something. I am sure I won't be able to change the background---I couldn't even do that by myself last summer. I am sure you have wondered why I quit blogging. (Ha) I began to mess up on birthdays and anniversaries. I felt bad when I made a big deal about some birthdays and totally forgot about others. I am always so afraid of hurting some one's feelings.
It is so amazing how fast time flies. I think I really began to notice when our oldest started school. The years have flown by. We are starting to think about summer and I wonder when did we have winter??
I find myself TIRED and not much energy. We had a YW fund raiser dinner on Saturday night. We found out on Saturday morning that someone had set up for a wedding reception for Saturday night. (can I add: they were not in our stake and had no permission to be there and were not sorry they were there) So, we get to move our dinner to another building and call everyone and let them know of the new location etc. What a pain!!!!! I think I mean that literally, my back was killing me. Most of us know I am a holiday freak, because of that I was able to decorate the cultural hall in Americana decorations. I didn't have to buy anything except the tablecloths!!
This weekend we are taking the youth to the Gila Valley to the new temple open house. The youth are sleeping on the floor at 2 separate houses. The YW President felt sorry for Grandpa and Grandma Mac and she found us a bed!! Thank you Jennifer!!
I have been trying to do more sewing and have done some easy crafts. I have made a mess in all 3 spare bedrooms!!! As long as Mr Daniel can make it to the exercise bicycle he is happy!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I Can't Help Myself

I know someone is not going to be happy with this story, but it is too good not to share.
A really nice man and I were shopping at the mall a few weeks ago. I am in line to pay
and he said he would go and get the car and meet me in front of the store so I didn't have
to be in the heat. He really is a good man!! I finish paying and go outside where I expect
to see him waiting for me. I wait and wait. I finally decide I have misunderstood him and
maybe I was supposed to meet him at the car. I finally call him on the cell phone to see
if I have made a mistake. He tells me I am correct and he will be there soon. I cannot
figure out what has taken him so long. He pulls up (finally) and as soon as I get in the
car I realize what the problem was. For 10 minutes he has been fighting with these!!
(They are from my car that he doesn't drive all that much!!)

Hopefully you can tell what they are!!

He never did get them folded up and they

were sitting in the backseat!

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Yes, I know I am spoiled

It is true that I know I am spoiled. But, I also
know that life was not always this way. I can
remember having 6 children at home and
having their needs come first.
So life is different now (evidently).

I had a good time at the outlet stores in Oregon
last week. One very good thing about Oregon is
No Sales Tax!! It really did make a difference.
Thanks to the girls for a new outfit and for lunch.

I can remember being a young girl at our local
Penney's store and shopping for shoes. My feet
are so wide that my mother told the shoe salesman
my sisters could get shoes and I would take the
box because that is all that would fit me.

Well, fast forward many years and I discovered
wide-width shoes. I have also discovered
Naturalizer shoes at the Outlet Stores. Of course
none in Arizona!! I would stock up when we went to
Washington. Mr Daniel is so good to me. He
took an empty duffle bag to Oregon to put my
shoes in that I would find.
I guess you could say I struck gold!! Boy, did I have

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Where did we go??

This is one of the houses we rented in Lincoln City, Oregon. I loved the view from all those windows.
Some of us went to sleep to the sound of the waves crashing. We built a fire and roasted hot dogs and ate smores on the beach.
We became good friends while we were together. These two were always together.
We ate and then we ate some more. In case we might get hungry, we ate some more and then some more for good measure.
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Who did we see?

It was fun to walk along the beach with such fun people. My sister and her husband joined the party
Here we are at the Oregon Coast Aquarium.
This was near the lighthouse and we were enjoying our chocolate muffins. It was the only day we had rain (mist).
Yes, this is on purpose!! We are acting up after our family picture was taken. We were only missing 11 people, but we tried and failed to have everyone come. Maybe next year.
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What did we see?

Yaquina Lighthouse on the Oregon coast.
I never knew starfish were so colorful. They were plentiful at the tide pools.
I decided I love the ocean, it is so peaceful.
How about a stroll along the beach at sunset with a good-looking man!! I have to admit it was one of the only days we saw the sun. But, I could live with 65 degree weather.
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Sunday, August 2, 2009


Tomorrow we will get to have chocolate cake and ice cream with this little girl (and 10 of her cousins). It doesn't happen very often that we get to celebrate in person. She sure is a cute girl. I was having radiation when she was born and I couldn't go to help the new mom. But, we made it to her blessing!!

Miss Christina was named after one of her daddy's relatives that crossed the plains in a handcart company. The church was celebrating the pioneers when her mom felt impressed to name her Christina. She will always be Miss Christina (sorry, no nicknames for this girl.
Miss Christina will go to pre-school in the Fall. Yes, they really have Fall in Michigan. She gives great hugs and loves to have Grandma Mac read stories. Our favorite right now is the Dragon book by my favorite Dav Pilkey. Happy Birthday, Miss Christina. See you tomorrow!!
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